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Autumn Vibes

Autumn Vibes

Autumn is definitely a magical time of the year. It is the time of tranquillity, a moment when nature slows down and, surrounding us with all the colours of the falling leaves, prepares for winter. This is a good moment for us to take care of ourselves, too. With the first cool breezes of autumn, the first colds will arrive and our skin and hair will again be exposed to wind, rain and lower temperatures. Prepare for the coming autumn by strengthening your immunity and the condition of your skin and hair, and see how amazing this time of the year can be if you take good care of yourself beforehand!

Autumn Vibes by Colway International, is a whole range of products at super prices to help you improve your condition and ensure beautiful skin before winter. 

Take care of your hair and skin, buy: 

 A set of Shampoo + Conditioner with collagen

and receive:

collUp dietary supplement for 1PLN/1EUR/1GBP/10KC *

Wake up feeling rested and looking radiant, buy :

Good night skin drops - a face serum

 and receive:

Sleep Care dietary supplement for 1PLN/1EUR/1GBP/10KC *

*dietary supplement: CollUp and /or Sleep Care will automatically appear in your shopping basket when you add the set of Shampoo + Conditioner with Collagen and/or Good night skin drops - facial serum to your basket

Boost your immunity for autumn, buy:

A set of Vitamin C with collagen 2+1

- when you buy the set, you pay for 2 packages of Vitamin C with collagen,

 and you get the third package free!

Set of LunaCol 2+1

- when you buy the set, you pay for 2 packages of LunaCol,

 and you get the third package free!

Set of Synbiocol 2+1

- when you buy the set you pay for 2packages of Synbiocol,

 and you get the third package free!

Cleanse your skin regularly, buy:

Exfoliating mask - 60%

Take care of your well-being, enjoy the warm rays of the sun during autumn walks, and the Colway International products will take care of your beautiful looks and strengthen your immunity before the cold weather arrives.

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